Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chapter 3

Eincell's Narration

So, Bossell seemed to be in a very good mood today. He gave us the permission for the conference. He respects Rustcell ery much. After all his powers are a result of Rustcells invention. Bossell did not give me permission for BinGo yet. Maybe he is worried that something bad would happen if I do the experiment. Fear of unknown!

Anyways, if you are interested pay attention and keep listening to the conference. I bet you would be enlightened.

So, I hope Rustcell did not bore you with all his Well Well Wells. He has grown senile but he is the most experienced among all of us. So many times, I have told him to use something like www for his wells but he is an inveterate weller.

So what was I going to tell you? Right. So because Rustcell is old and has few words left, I would be speaking for most of the time. Rustcell will fill in the important parts. Hope you like my speaking style.

So meet you in the conference.


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