So, though Pronu got off the Leafland with quite a store of energy, his energy was soon going to get over. When full of energy, Pronu always tried to go against nature. Upwards in a drowning ocean, upstream in the flowing river, cooling himself when outside went warm, warming himself when things went cold. He wanted to do exactly opposite of what the hostile outside did. That was the only way he knew to keep himself separated from the without.
But, soon as his energy began to fade, he knew the only chance he had of surviving was sharing part of his decision with the tyrrant nature. Soon he realized that it was much easier to let go when in doubt, and steer when you are sure. He was learning too much too quick. But he was enjoying it.
Then after some time, the remaining energy was not enough even for steering. Now he feared returning back to the inanimate nature. He had heard how , in the Leafland, cells having lost all their energy, returned to become part of the nature again. They called it being dead. For the first time, Pronu feared. He feared Death!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
If the moments of Pronu reaching Leafland were the most important moments of history, then they would have to share this title with the moments that followed his leaving the Leafland.
Hardly had the land gone out of sight when Pronu noticed something shocking. Though individually each nucleus of leafland felt that he was free from nature's bounds, when seen from outside, as a whole they were a large group of free cells, again floating aimlessly with the waters.They were capable of looking beyong the obvious bound at the level o each cell but had not even considered this disaster at a holistic level. Pronu decided instantly that he did not want to end up like that.
So, soon as you might have guessed, without any support from the plant cells and due to absence of Mighto in those days, he was going to have problems accumulating energy.But that was still the latter of his worries because he had enough energy in him to last long. At least much longer than, if he did not learn to build a much stronger fence for his house. A fence which could survive the waters.
So, worried , and full of energy, Pronu set to work on the stronger fence. To his surprise, making a strong fence in the waters was much easier than making even a weak fence in the Leafland. Here he learnt a new lesson - incentices make things easier.
So, with fence built and things learnt, Pronu had a leisure time to think. In the Leafland the boundry beyond your fence was generally others house. They lived so close together. 'Here in the waters', Pronu thought,'what is outside my house?'
With this thought in his mind and the loneliness in the world, soon Pronu developed the notion of 'I'. He used to call everything inside his house as 'I'. Everything outside was just hostile nature.
This is till today the most penetrated of all the axioms. Even the smartest of the cells , not even Rustcell have ever been able to undo, unthink or imagine what is beyond this tenet.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Chapter 3
So Pronu, slowly started to realize, what the citizens of Leafland lacked? He forced himself to keep quite on the weaknesses of the citizens, because they had taught him the most important things.
One day, when he had learnt most of the things he thought were useful, he knew that if he had to learn more he had to leave the land. Either that or because he was bored with the monotony in the land, one day as before he set out in the seas, without any fear or intention to return back.
He knew that this was crazy, but then he also knew what had happened when he was crazy the last time. He was less afraid this time because he knew more than the last time. He also did not feel sorry for leaving because, he knew , he had learnt enough to last a lifetime.
Chapter 2
As Pronu reached the shores of Leafland, he realized that it was no ordinary land. It was a magical land. It was completely made up of nucli like him, who had freed themselves from the patterns of nature. They have learnt how to live together. Each had a thick walled house to live in. They had an established method for communication. He knew he would learn a lot there.
The citizen of Leafland were hardly less astonished and inspired by the heroic act of Pronu. Though many of them had initially shown the guts to free from the patterns, this was something different. They were ready to teach Pronu, whatever they had learnt from years of meditation and experience.
This was a historical rendezvous.
Pronu spent most of his lifetime learning things like communicating with other cells and building your house fence. He was very curious and showed special interest in things which the native cells were still researching on. They were still trying to figure out means to communicate faster and finding answers to why they were made in the first place?
One thing which Pronu found difficult to learn was how to store energy inside his house fence , which could be used later. He also had no interest in working hard on it. The reason being that most of the time he was helped by some resident or the other with the energy which, the resident had stored for himself. The citizens respected Pronu for his courage and he in turn honoured their knowledge.
Pronu also realized that he differed in many respects from the citizens. One being he was less informed, but other being he was always less satisfied. The citizens of Leafland , with due respect were passive, according to him. They had escaped one pattern and were enslaved by this other one. That was not in his nature.
Many a times he had addressed the citizens about how they were supposed to do something, rather than just sit and think. He told them how they were judged by their actions . He never told them who was judging. Call it the lack of communication channel, but this judge-person was completely different for both of them. For Pronu it was he himself who was judging. For the citizens it was this person who they believed , created them in the first place.
After every such sermon, Pronu would advise them to forget about the dangers which might kill them and rather concentrate on what each one of them could achieve independently. He would end his speeches with a direct and assertive slogan "Leave land". He repeated it so often that after so many years we still remember the land by this name.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Chapter 1
Eincell's Narration
My condolences to offsprings of all fellow cells who have ceased to exist and welcome to all the fresh ones. Cells live and die but Greyworld and our Master lives for another day!
So, Today I ,Eincell, am here to address this conference. Mostly, I would be speaking for our old friend Rustcell, because as you know he is short on words now. He has enough experience though to remind all of us of our origin. We are thankful to Bossell to grant us the conference. I believe that this would be enlightening for everyone here.We also have among our audience, our own master. His presence helps is portraying the importance of this event.
So, without further ado, lets start with the conference.
Rustcell wishes me to start from the time, when there was just a floating mass of stuff in oceans. There was no life, no sense of I, no inside , no outside , no knowledge , no ignorance. It was like an empty stage, an empty canvas. And what better place to start our life and our story for that matter, other than this empty stage.
So, one day in the large waterbody in the gigantic world of " " , a nucleus called pronu was fomed. No one knows how it came to be. Some say it was God, some say it was a random coagulation of molecules. Pronu, understood for the first time that he was floating with the water,wherever the water took it. After a while he grew sick of not knowing where he would go next and tried hard to break out of the pattern of the moving water. He fixated his aim on a nearby green land. He did not know then that it was a gigantic floating kingdom of Leafland.
He tried so hard that in the process the surrounding molecules which were trying to pull him back to the waters got stuck to Pronu. Inspite of the added weight Pronu reached the Leafland.
So, this episode makes some believe that Pronu was actually an anomaly, a fault in the beautiful choreography of nature. So they believe that it is the worst thing that has ever happened. But we the decendants of Pronu cannot disagree more. If it was not for his heroic determination to make his own decision , we would not have existed. Maybe God himself respected Pronu for his will and provided him control over this miniscule part out of his infinite universe.
Or maybe it was just a coagulated mass of molecules floating in the opposite direction of the river current, somehow.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Chapter 3
Eincell's Narration
So, Bossell seemed to be in a very good mood today. He gave us the permission for the conference. He respects Rustcell ery much. After all his powers are a result of Rustcells invention. Bossell did not give me permission for BinGo yet. Maybe he is worried that something bad would happen if I do the experiment. Fear of unknown!
Anyways, if you are interested pay attention and keep listening to the conference. I bet you would be enlightened.
So, I hope Rustcell did not bore you with all his Well Well Wells. He has grown senile but he is the most experienced among all of us. So many times, I have told him to use something like www for his wells but he is an inveterate weller.
So what was I going to tell you? Right. So because Rustcell is old and has few words left, I would be speaking for most of the time. Rustcell will fill in the important parts. Hope you like my speaking style.
So meet you in the conference.
Chapter 2
Rustcell's Narration
Well Well Well, I hope Eincell did not confuse you master. He has this habit of thinking of too many things at the same time. He sometimes even confuses and contradicts himself. He is the smartest of us all here though. Not like me today, a once Curious Old Mancell!
Well Well Well, I must tell you that I believe, today, Bossell will grant us what we want. You know I , finally coming near the end of my life, have started gaining respect here. I think it is their respect for death which they are showing to me. It is useful to me though, because that way I would be able to share my experiences with them. I always wanted to , but they never listened. It is different with Eincell though. When he heard once what I told him about EATY feeling, he became my follower. It is not that EATY is a new thing. In fact it is a very old thing and that is what makes it important to know. Everyone around here have started to take it for granted. But not me , not the Careful Old Mancell!
Well Well Well, I see Eincell coming, he seems happy. I bet we got the permission for conference and for his experiment too. Now we can sit here, me and Eincell and can speak to the whole of our town . Essentially, we will be talking to Bossell alone. Then he will listen to it and transfer it to each and every cell in our town. Now that I can see death in the face, I can appreciate the real accomplishment of my lifetime. I made this system. I was the first one to grow the link necessary. I made grouping possible. I made organs possible. But I am most proud when I say I made you possible. How Proud I am today. Me the Conking Old Mancell!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Chapter 1
Eincell's Narration
So, I better rehearse my speech again. If I need the extra energy from Mighto, I better don't screw this up. Come on Eincell, you can do it. You can do it!
O hi master, I did not know you were listening.
Master! ..Master!! ... yes I am talking to you. By now you must have understood that I am living in the backside of your head. You know the memorcriticaldatabasiclibrarylike centre. I think you call it Memory centre. I love to be here! It has all the data in the world and data is what helps me find my answers. It confuses me a lot but then it is its way of playing with me.
Anyways, forget it... I mean no don't forget it ... forgetting would be like burning up a whole rack in here ... but then why am I worried - you could not forget, even if you tried to. Can you?
So, I was going to tell you about Cell Bossell here. He is the biggest one of us all . He is the node of all the cells in these backwaters of the mainland Greyworld. The most arrogant one I must say, if you promise not to tell him. But then he is our only connection to other cells far away so we try and respect him.
He is powerful because he owns our collective information. He sometimes even bends it in the way he likes to, to get the best of us. I know! the power of information - its huge .
Anyways, I am going to request him today to grant me some extra energy so that I can test my equiment to index all this data around here. It would be so cool. You see anybody could just ask for anything they don't know and every data relating to it would just pop up. So what should I call it? Ya I know I should call it BinGo! BinGo - where all your questions will be answered to the point.
To do it on whole of the data here without trying it on a smaller one is insane. So, I would like to try it on a portion of the "Do Not Access" part of myself. It is said it contains the information of every cell that has ever been. Still it is so small and is present in everyone of us. Isn't it beautiful.
Anyways, I am late Master. I got to go. Rustcell wants to hold a conference today. I need to ask for Bossell's permission for that too.
So, Meet you in a while.
I am sitting in front of my work computer, in a regular Indian technology consulting company's office. I have opened up blogger and I feel a little tingling in the back of my head. I am now looking closer to this part and I know the tingling is from the portion storing the memories from the movie "The Man from the Earth", which I saw late in the night yesterday, for the 5th time now.
I have always been interested in the 'Why are things the way they are?' kind of thoughts. I cherish them. I have quite a different approach of thinking about them though. I use the only tool that I have - creativity or lets say lateral thinking in this context. I come up with infinite hypotheses of hows and whys. I believe in all of them equally because none of them is believable, yet all of them could have been. I don't experiment and eliminate the possibilities to come up with the Ultimate Principle of Nature. That is not the role assigned to me. How do I know that it is not my prerogative? Because I don't think with a final motive of finding the Ultimate answer in mind, but more importantly because I suck at it !
Its an irony how I have always been fascinated by cells and old stories, yet hated Biology and History in school.
All in all, lets start a story where the narrator is a senile and experienced cell named Rustcell in my brain. He is accompanied by Eincell, a young student of philozoem (derived from philo (love of) zoe (organic life)).
This is my attempt to structure my thought as a story. Hope you like it!